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The Randwick Music School started in 2019. It is based on my 30 years of experience as a solo pianist, I have been teaching advanced programs for students for the last 4 years and so ultimately, the school is a dedication of love and a tribute to my passion for music. 

Teaching has allowed me to pass on my knowledge, passion and determination to my students. I love being able to see my students grow and find their unique calling to music. I believe music is an extension of one's self and a dedicated skill set to prepare students in many situations outside of the music arena. The Randwick Music school is based on these principles and we as educators are proud to foster this light for students. We are proud when our students excel in exams but, we also want our students to grow and be able to become confident guardians of their musical development. At Randwick Music School we nurture this musical growth in all our students.

I believe this is the key to learning music.

The Randwick Music School is a safe, loving and fun community. My team and I value our students and this environment we have created together. We believe learning doesn't stop and is ever-evolving in all age groups and all skill levels.

Anne Kim, Principal | Founder, Randwick Music School



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Anne Kim, Advanced Piano 

Anne has been a concert pianist for the last 30 years. Anne trained as a solo pianist at the Sydney Conservatorium and after graduation travelled the world performing with orchestras.  Of late, Anne performs with violinist Jun Yi Ma. The current concertmaster and orchestra director of Opera Australia. Anne is a qualified teacher of the Australian Music Education Board and used to work as an examiner for the AMEB. As previous director of the Young Conservatorium at UTAS Conservatorium, Anne has an extensive repertoire in teaching and guiding students through the music landscape and ensures that each student finds their own true passion in music.


Huy Le, Piano 

Huy Le was born and raised in Sydney. Huy holds a bachelor of music from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and an A.Mus from AMEB. Huy has been a piano soloist for many orchestras and loves to combine his love for music with teaching. Huy has been teaching piano for over 15 years, both privately and in various music schools in Sydney. Huy's performance background and his years of teaching experience has made him understand how music is meant to be learnt and then performed. Huy loves to pass on this duet of concepts to his students. Huy teaches students of all ages and stages and believes nurturing students to love music at a young age is most important.


Helena Chan, Piano


Helena began her music journey at the age of 7.  She achieved remarkable results at both ABRSM and AMEB.  Helena has completed Certificate of Performance awarded by AMEB in 2023.  Along with piano performance, she has also completed grade 4 and grade 5 music theory. Helena is experienced in piano lessons for young children and adult beginners.  She has helped many learners to build up their keyboard techniques and confidence in performance over the years.  She has also assisted in achieving some great results for students who are undertaking AMEB exams.  


Helena is a warm, compassionate piano teacher who believes that building a strong and supportive relationship with her students is crucial in the learning process.  She loves to see her students progress and thrive.


Anna del Rosario, Guitar - Bass and Acoustic, Ukulele and Piano


Anna is a multi-instrumentalist music producer and songwriter. She grew up surrounded by music and started learning piano at 5 years old with her mum as her first teacher. She eventually taught herself the guitar, drums, and bass in high school. In 2021, she completed her bachelor's degree in composition and music production from the Australian Institute of Music, and has since participated in different musical projects.

Anna plays bass for a local pop-funk band, *Motherfunkers*, and drums for an Inner West funk-soul band, *Night Pilots*. Anna loves to make the learning process fun: seeing students enjoy learning their instrument energizes her to keep going. Anna is passionate about the power of music and strives to share this passion with her students with each lesson!

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